Sunday, February 21, 2010

Age and our state of mind

“ Mindfulness is crucial to our health in several ways. First, when we’re mindless, we ignore all the ways we could exercise control over our health. Second, we turn that control over to the medical world, which despite the many things it can do, can’t treat us as individuals. Third, we mindlessly accept health limits that we’d be better off questioning, which closes us off to the power of possibility.”

Dr. Ellen Langer, published in Spirtuality and Health, Nov-Dec 2009

What a thought provoking statement. This quote comes from a study was an out of the box creation that gave us a very insightful conclusion. The mind is a powerful thing. Have you ever noticed that certain people seem old for their age and others young- despite their outer appearance? Our energy level and level of health are dramatically affected by our mind. Our mind is affected by our health and what we do to maintain it. So, let’s think today about what we can do to raise our level of energy -mentally and physically, so our quality of life can be the same at age 70 as at age 30.

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