Wednesday, February 10, 2010


"Alternative medicine is no longer truly alternative."

This is an interesting article that supports the idea of the wellness movement.  We need to be looking for ways to keep ourselves healthy as we move thru any stressful time in our lives.

After reading the menopause portion of this article, I wanted to suggest, there is another alternative menopausal product that has hit the market in the past 2 weeks.  Metagenics has just recieved exclusive rights to a product that has been in existence for the past 16 years in Europe.  This product is called Estrovera.  The research that has been done during this time shows a 72% reduction in menopausal hot flashes as compared to hormone replacement. For additional information about this product please visit Metagenics or to order online visit  Metagenics supplements from Metasavvy.

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